Skype Based Remote Learning is now LIVE!!!
Skype Based Remote Learning is Now Available!!! ​ If you have Skype on your computer, you can also get help from TheComputingTutor! It...
Block Booking Discounts Now Available!
Until Easter, a discount rate is now available for individuals wishing to make a block booking. The discounted rates are: For bookings of...
The Computing Tutor's Four Rules for Writing Functions or Procedures
As someone studying A level computer science or BTEC IT or Computing, at some point you will need to write a function, method, procedure...
HeadStart Programming Courses at The Henley College for A Level and BTEC Computing are Coming Soon!
It's almost the start of the new academic year, and TheComputingTutor Ltd is running two HeadStart programming courses at The Henley...
The BTEC Assigment submission process for 2017/2018 just got nastier....
Wow. Just when you thought things couldn't get any touger, Pearson comes along and changes the rules again. In the old days, of 2016, you...
BTEC IT Level 3 Unit 2 - Creating Systems to Manage Information - Advice
PLEASE NOTE: this blog post has now been updated. Visit:
BTEC IT Unit 2 Database Exam Grade Boundaries are out....
And they are not huge! In order to pass, you need a N, a NEAR PASS, and to get that you need to score 8 marks out of 66. You can get that...
COMING SOON! Members Area and Discussion Forum!
I'm working on a members area and a forum page, where you will be able to log in and post to a forum for any topic related to A Level or...
How to prepare for studying at A level
The jump from being a GCSE student to an A level student is a big one. The challenges are different, the level of study is different, the...
Exam Revision Tips and Techniques
There are many ways of managing the stress of an exam, not all of these will work for you but some of these might! Remember, you are not...