GCSE Computer Science Resources for Teachers

GCSE Computer Science Resources For Teachers
Available for Purchase Now!
A complete set of 60 + lesson resources covering the entire GCSE syllabus for the OCR exam board
Also available are resources for the new 2021 specification, with more lessons on the Exam Reference Language as well as questions set in the ERL.
The resources assume that the language being chosen is Python, and there are lots of code examples where the code is explained line by line.
For each lesson you get:
A word document covering all the theory for the topic under study, as well as plenty of opportunities for further study
a lesson summary covering the key points of the lesson
a full set of questions with answers for each lesson topic
These resources are designed to be deployed onto a VLE platform or for you to create your own lesson powerpoints from.
Topics covered include:
Systems Architecture
Secondary Storage
Wired and Wireless Networking
Topologies, Protocols and Layers
System Security
Systems Software
Legal and Ethical Issues
Programming Techniques
Computational Logic
Data Representation
Translators and Compilers
For more information or a pricing plan, please contact me