This is a full worked answer for "The Event Booking System" Pearson AAB, including Procedures and Functions, If Else statements, While loops, Single and 2 Dimensional arrays, local and global variables and validation functions. The program has been coded as a Python Console Application.
The solution has been fully commented to aid understanding.
In addition there is a Teacher Guide showing how the program is put together, that includes a flowchart as well as any design decision and assumptions. You will have full access to the sheet and the source code so you can see how it works and then use this to help guide your students.
BTEC IT Unit 4 Python Exemplar Solution
"Purchasing the entire suite of unit 4 resources has drastically reduced my workload and improved the learning experience for our students.
I can’t recommend enough, Thank you!!
Mr. Matthew McDermott, Teacher of ICT, City of Portsmouth College, Hampshire