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Teacher Observations And Support

I am a former Advanced Skills Teacher at the Henley College. In my role there, in addition to running successful INSET days as part of colleagues' CPD, my role was to observe, assess and provide feedback to teachers at a range of experience levels at the College. I observed teachers with a full range of experience - from NQT's to teachers with decades of experience.


The new OFSTED inspection framework has changed, so as not to focus on individual lessons determining a final assessment rating for a school, but rather the lessons form part of an overall picture of pupil behaviour as well as teacher assessment.


The OFSTED inspection framework 2018 states that lesson observations are part of a "range of evidence also informs the evaluation of pupils’ progress, pupils’ personal development, behaviour and welfare, and the impact of leaders’ and managers’ improvements to teaching and assessment." 


With this in mind, it is not any one lesson that observation will determine an OFSTED rating, rather a holistic approach to teaching an learning.


Drawing on my five years of experience as an AST as part of my observation I will 


  • Observe a teacher for a full lesson

  • Take detailed notes for the full lesson

  • Provide a written report with feedback outcomes and strategies for improvement, should they be required

  • Provide a focus on pupil assessment and behaviour

  • Have a detailed 1:1 meeting with the observee as soon as possible after the observation to go over the results

  • make the report available to the observee and any member of the leadership team



The cost for a detailed, 1:1 observation is £150. The key requirement for the school is that the observation is seen as positive and not punitive. 


In addition I also provide CPD and classroom resources for teachers of A Level and BTEC IT and Computing.  Please click on the links for further details.



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