BTEC Unit 14 IT Service Delivery - Controlled Assessment Part 1
The Unit 14 BTEC IT service delivery Controlled assessment Part A has just been released for the May 2019 Exam series. The scenario for...

Simple String Processing in VB.NET - for Level 2 BTEC IT and Level 3 BTEC IT
One of the simples things you need to do in any programming language is handle text input from a user. In VB.NET it's made very easy by...

Problem Solving Part 2 - And how it related to Computer Science by way of Apollo 13
In the previous article we looked at the basics of problem solving, and I showed you the clip from Apollo 13, and asked you to work out:...

Problem Solving Part 1 and how it applies to Computer Science - by way of Apollo 13
Computer Science and Programming is all about solving problems. Whether it is finding out why an Operating System has crashed, or why a...